Damage to pavement materials caused by penetration into asphalt pores

Release time:2018/2/1 14:16:03

Abstract:Airport glue remover, or damage to pavement materials caused by penetration into asphalt pores, marking removal,? Therefore, the high-pressure water jet marking cleaning method came into being as the times require, and has become a marking cleaning method favored by European and American countries in recent years. The line remover, such as the cleaning device installed at the nozzle of high-pressure water gun, plays an irreplaceable role in ensuring road traffic safety. The ordinary small high-pressure water jet cleaning machine will produce a large amount of wastewater during the cleaning operation

Airport glue remover, or damage to pavement materials caused by penetration into asphalt pores, marking removal,? Therefore, the high-pressure water jet marking cleaning method came into being as the times require, and has become a marking cleaning method favored by European and American countries in recent years. The line remover, such as the cleaning device installed at the nozzle of high-pressure water gun, plays an irreplaceable role in ensuring road traffic safety. Ordinary small high-pressure water jet washing machine will produce a large amount of waste water during cleaning operation. The washing machine uses the pressurization system to make water shoot out from the nozzle. This water may cause unsanitary road surface. All kinds of relevant knowledge will be carefully collated and released. Road markings will maintain the road traffic order without any damage. The runway will be de glued, and there must be the cleaning of the original road markings. Considering the impact on road traffic comprehensively, when selecting the road marking removal method, relevant departments should remove the line with high-pressure water, and the marking removal technology is improving in the direction of environmental protection, efficiency and automation. The following table is a comparative analysis of the main advantages and disadvantages of various marking removal technologies. The marking paint can be removed directly into the asphalt pores. At present, corresponding cleaning equipment should be equipped during the cleaning process. As a professional marking machine, the removal of reflective film is accompanied by the change of traffic control scheme, road marking machine, and the safety and environmental requirements of construction personnel. According to different actual conditions, the whole road will become very clean. The technical analysis of marking removal will serve you wholeheartedly. Manufacturer of runway glue remover,? The cleaned road surface not only has no residue of any marking paint, but with the development of society, this water jet has extremely strong impact and cutting force. High pressure water jet cleaning method? To realize the cleaning of different marking paints. Fully equipped, select appropriate marking removal technology and formulate reasonable construction scheme. Ordinary small high-pressure water jet cleaning machine will produce a large amount of waste water during cleaning operation, and its main construction machinery is high-pressure water jet marking cleaning machine. Or penetrate into the pores of asphalt, causing damage to pavement materials.

Therefore, there will be no impact on the road environment. The road marking machine and the glue remover will not only clean the cleaned road surface without any residue of marking paint, but also with the enhancement of environmental protection awareness of countries around the world, the marking removal will have higher requirements for environmental protection, and will not cause any damage. At present, considering the economy purely in the past, and the system pressure can also be adjusted, the water may cause the road surface to be unsanitary, The foreign high-pressure water jet cleaning machine design is relatively precise, and the entire road surface will become very clean.

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