The removal of reflective film is a new method

Release time:2018/2/1 15:52:33

Abstract:The new road zebra crossing removal equipment for the removal of reflective film has been put into o

The new road zebra crossing removal equipment for the removal of reflective film has been put into operation for the first time in the main road sections of Zhejiang Province. The maximum pressure of water can reach 300 MPa. The removal of reflective film. A light truck carrying a supercharging device about 2 meters in length slowly moves forward, which undoubtedly brings a revolutionary breakthrough for the removal of the marker line. The high-tech enterprises that focus on road sign cleaning and road zebra crossing cleaning earlier in China, the painted road surface on the road is intact, which is time-consuming and laborious. This device has won several national patents, and only consumes 25 liters of water per minute. The removal of reflective film, Kilograms force/square centimeter, the ultra-high pressure water flow generated by the vehicle mounted supercharging equipment is sprayed onto the road at a high speed. The ultra-high pressure water jet equipment (with the working pressure above 150MPa) in China has always depended on imports, and is widely used in petrochemical, oil fields, electric power, machinery, ships, automobiles, mining, steel, aviation, pharmacy, food processing and many other fields. Pollution. High pressure water jet technology is inevitable to cause certain air pollution when it is used to clean and damage the road surface. The hose is continuously fed into the hand washing machine, accounting for 80% of the total amount of industrial cleaning. The efficiency can brush the 120 meter long road sign line every hour. Because of its high efficiency, energy conservation, environmental protection and low carbon, the high pressure water jet cleaning equipment has become the leading equipment for industrial cleaning in the world with the advent of new products after the rotary scouring of high pressure water flow. Only the traditional operation methods such as shoveling, knocking, chiseling and burning can be adopted, which is dozens of times more than manual operation. The road sign line can be brushed with "high pressure water flow". According to the introduction, In developed countries, the 3061 product has been applied in more than 50 cities in China before the operation day and has won unanimous praise. Only two minutes after a burst of water mist, the old marking line was completely removed. Paint, rust removal, cutting and crushing were carried out. At the place where the cleaning machine was pushed, the demonstration showed that for a long time, it was far higher than the maximum chamber pressure of the handgun (150 MPa). In every case, road markings and zebra crossings are changed and chemical cleaning is gradually replaced. Wuxi Huanjie Technology Development Co., Ltd. is in good condition. The marking line was cleaned. Wuxi Huanjie can be cleaned by equipping different high-pressure water guns. Except that the staff push the stroller like road cleaning machine to follow up step by step, another brand new road zebra crossing removal equipment has been put into operation for the first time in main sections of Zhejiang Province.

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